Portable Generator auburn

Despite the best efforts of homeowners and energy providers, you can’t really predict when a power outage will occur. The best course of action for making sure that your home or business is adequately protected and prepared the next time you lose power is by installing a portable generator. Portable generators are a dependable source of backup power that can be used in times of emergencies or for recreational purposes. Since portable generators are usually mobile, they can be taken to multiple locations and provide energy while you are on the go.

Generator Pros Electric are portable generator specialists servicing the Auburn, WA community. They can help you choose a portable generator that is cost effective, energy efficient, and is the power source that fits your needs.

Small Generator Auburn

Generators come in all shapes and sizes. While larger standby generators are the most powerful, they are usually big and bulky. Standby generators are also more of a commitment since large generators are usually permanent installations. With a permanently placed generator, you miss out on the versatility a smaller generator offers. Small portable generators or power inverter generators on the other hand are compact and mobile. They are made to travel and depending on your energy needs, they can be used to power a whole house or provide an energy source for your campsite or RV. 

Due to their range in size, portable generators or power inverter generators come in many different power capacities. Smaller wattage generators have enough energy to provide power to small hand held devices and non major appliances. More powerful portable generators are strong enough to power large appliances like air conditioners, freezers, and refrigerators.

Quiet Generator Auburn

If you are interested in a quiet generator, power inverter generators are some of the quietest models on the market. While both portable and inverter generators run on a fuel source in order to work, power inverters start off with a lower fuel consumption rate. If power is not being actively drawn from an inverter generator then the engine runs slower. The engine will run faster when more power is needed and because the generator engine is only using as much fuel as is necessary, it makes a minimal amount of noise.

When you need reliable and quality services for your portable generator, or need a recommendation on which models make the least amount of noise, Generator Pros Electric are here for our customers in the King County area. Call now to schedule your consultation!

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