Transfer Switch installation Auburn

If you are considering buying a standby generator or a portable generator, then you will need to get a transfer switch installed in your home. A transfer switch is an electrical  panel that connects a generator to your home’s circuit wiring. This connection allows the generator to act as a backup power source for your whole house or for specific devices in the event of a power outage. When the power goes out unexpectedly and you are unsure of how long it will take to be restored, it always pays to be prepared. Having a generator and installing a transfer switch means that you won’t be caught unawares the next time you lose power. 

General Pros Electric are the masters when it comes to generator and transfer switch installation for your home. Our services are available throughout the city of Auburn and King County. 

Generator Transfer Switch Auburn

Having a generator transfer switch is of the utmost importance when you have a generator. Not only is it more efficient to install a transfer switch, but it’s safer too. Running a generator without a transfer switch can also limit the amount of power you can draw from the machine. Generators that have been installed properly and have been connected to a properly installed transfer switch means you’ll have more energy. More energy means that you’ll have more power for your appliances and devices when you really need them. 

When considering which type of transfer switch to install for your generator, there are really only two options, manual or automatic. Automatic transfer switches will automatically switch your power source to either your standby or portable generator when a power outage is detected. Manual transfer switches require the homeowner to physically flip the switch from a utility power source to the generator when the power goes out. 

If you experience frequent power outages in your community, then an automatic transfer switch is the best option. Manual switches are simpler to install and cost less, but the convenience of an automatic switch between your power sources can’t be beat.

Transfer Switch Wiring Auburn

Installing transfer switches involves electrical wiring systems and requires experience. Generator Pros Electric have skilled and trained technicians who are licensed, bonded, and insured. They will guide you through the installation process every step of the way and with their expertise, can help you plan out which appliances and devices you need the next the power goes out. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or a consultation.

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